
I am back <3 /Book club

Hello everyone. I am back after longer break and I know that I didn’t post that much but I have been bussy because I started my new full time job (yeey). That means I will finally be able to buy almost everything from my wishlist but also it means less time for my blog 😦 but only for September because after I should be working part time when my school starts 🙂 However, I will try to do my best and post more often.

With my new full time job I had to also create different morning routine because waking up at 5 am is something new for me and I also have to find time for my hobby, full time job, free time and University at the same time. But I am still not sure how I will be able to do all this so wish me luck <3.

I have also some happy news for you and that is from this September I started book club which you can join here on Facebook or on my Instagram here. If you love reading and are fun of discovering new books or just love to read reviews and thoughts of others than please feel free to join. 

I would like to also kindly ask you not to be only silent reader but also to participate in conversation in comments and share your thoughts with us so we know that you are member of our group 🙂

Every week I will post new book and after reading it I will share with you review and if you read it I would love to hear yours 🙂 I am sure it will be a lot of fun and what is better time to start reading than autumn?

Don’t wait too long and join because memberships on my Facebook group are limited.  

How was your weekend? And what is your favourite book you read recently?Â